Important Sacramental Moments
Baptism is really about two things: identity and mission. When the holy and life-giving waters wash over us, God declares our identity as beloved children who are unconditionally loved and forgiven. And our mission is announced with the words of Jesus: "Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." We hope you will contact us - no matter your age - if you'd like to learn more or schedule a baptism.
It is a wonderful gift when the love between two people brings them to the place where they are ready to be married. The promises spoken at a wedding are some of the most holy and sacred promises we make. And while a wedding is an event, a marriage is a journey. We will help you plan your special day, but we will also support you on your journey. Pastor will meet with you to plan and reflect on the things that keep us going on our journey of love. Please contact us if you'd like to talk about getting married at Trinity.
During the course of life, we all experience the sorrow that comes from the death of those we love. Life is holy and precious and saying good-bye is hard. Funerals at Trinity do not try to smooth over the hurt. We acknowledge your sorrow and honor it as the truth that you have loved and been loved. Still, funerals at Trinity are celebrated with the good news of God's love clearly in view. Jesus' resurrection was God's announcement that God has the final word on death and God's word is life. At Trinity we will go with you to the funeral home, hold the visitation at the church if you choose, and prepare a lunch or refreshments for your friends and family after the funeral.